The Dry Aged Steak Boutique

Steak perfection takes time

Our dry aged beef is hung in our coolers to age for at least 30 days where the moisture in the meat is allowed to escape. The result is superb beef with an extraordinarily rich flavor and buttery texture. Come join us for dinner at Vantador and try one of our decadent dry-age steak!

Why dry-aged beef tastes better?
All fresh beef is aged for at least few days and up to several weeks to allow enzymes naturally present in the meat to break down the muscle tissue, resulting in improved texture and flavor. These days, most beef is aged in plastic shrink-wrap—a process known as wet-aging. Dry-aged beef, on the other hand, is exposed to air so dehydration can further concentrate the meat’s flavor.
It’s a more expensive process than wet-aging, however, because the meat loses weight from dehydration, and it also must be trimmed of its completely dried exterior.